Unlock all local features

Unlock all local features to work with your projects and libraries. See the complete list below.

€20 euros (HT)
License valid for all your computers

Publishing Add-on

Your private cloud space to seamlessly deploy dashboards and actions

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Create and follow your essentials dashboards and processes /month (HT) €84 👉 €48 for the year
  • Publish up to 3 Dashboards
  • Publish up to 2 automations
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Publish and track all your desired KPIs and automate your core processes /month (HT) €300 👉 €144 for the year
  • Publish up to 50 Dashboards
  • Publish up to 10 automations


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Share one subscription for all your team. Use the same space to deploy dashboards and processes €80 /month (HT)
  • Share notes/dashboards/reports
  • Publish on same space for team
  • Publish up to 150 Dashboards
  • Publish up to 40 automations
  • Priority email support
  • Priority roadmap requests
Got questions? Check out the FAQ, or contact us at contact@alc-digital.fr

Features details

Pro Features

your license gives you access to these features below
Add NPM packages npm demo
Install your npm dependencies and use them in your custom functions
Use specific NPM env per file npm demo
Configure each of your files to use a specific NPM environment
More export options export options
Export as HTML, PDF...
Export as script deploy code
Export in 1 click your code as a standalone node script
Lock your sensitive notes lock
Keep your secrets and lock your notes with a password
Change Themes lock
Go further in customization by choosing your themes

Publishing add-on

Make data reports/dashboards

Note example
report example

or deploy apps or automations

JS App

JS APP example

Expose JS app with private access


cron example

Run automatically recurring tasks


API example

Make an API to handle your data

⭐️ Need inspiration for writing useful functions?

We have prepared ready to work special content for you. 🦄

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