Frequently asked questions

We are constantly trying to improve our software. If you can't find an answer, you can open a ticket on our Github (link at the top)


Yes. Znote (Lab) is designed to allow the use of any synchronization system. Each time you open the note list, the file is reread.
The lab offers advanced features for developers that are not compatible with general app store policies. In addition, the lab offers an overview of the latest features.
Currently only the Javascript is supported by code execution system. For code syntax highlighting, almost all languages are supported. The underlying library is highlight.js. You can check the publisher's website for the full list.
Currently Danfo.js and Plotly.js are included in addition to the Node FS API mainly for data exploration.
Znote allows you to create many types of diagrams thanks to the awesome Mermaid plugin.
Yes. Your files are still usable by another text editor if you don't use the lock feature. Note that we add meta on top of files. The underlying algo uses for encryption is AES.